At Malleus Martialis, we implement rigorous quality control methods to ensure the safety and durability of our swords and daggers, intended strictly for sports and stage training in compliance with Italian legislation. Our products are intentionally designed to be blunt, without sharp edges or tips.
Here’s everything you need to know about our warranty:
Warranty Validity
1.1. In accordance with European regulations, the warranty period extends for 24 months from the date of delivery to the Consumer.
1.2. The warranty is applicable in all instances where the product fails to meet the requisite standard for safe and ordinary utilization in the practice of Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) due to a manufacturing defect. This encompasses, but is not confined to, the following scenarios:
- broken, not uniform parts (e.g. improper heat treatment, evident misalignment of the assembled parts, cracked nuts & bolts, or misconstructed elements that prevent the Consumer from using the product, etc.);
- A blade suffering from deep nicks after being used in a controlled sparring setting against a symmetrical blade (a blade with equivalent weight and identical edge thickness). The issue must be declared within 30 calendar days from the delivery date.
Warranty Exceptions
2.1. Our warranty does not cover the following instances:
- products without a sales receipt or invoice, which makes it impossible to establish the date and place of sale and also because of the risk of illegal or illicit provenance (stolen, contraband, sold in violation of the fiscal regulations, etc.);
- where applicable, products on which the identification markings have been removed (serial number, production lot, product code, etc.);
- the labor costs related to any upgrade to a product under warranty;
- compensation for inconvenience or for not being able to use the product while it is being repaired or replaced;
- damage caused by accidents, tampering, negligence, abuse, improper use or resulting from excessive and uncontrolled heavy blows to the product;
- damage resulting from usage against an asymmetrical blade (see 1.2. for details);
- damage resulting from normal wear and tear or deterioration due to the use of the product;
- damage to the leather or cord wrapping caused by direct hits or crossguard loose or bent due to the same cause.
- lack of appropriate or reasonable maintenance or corrosion (e.g. nicks on the blade that have not been appropriately rounded off with a file, deep rust, unskilled straightening of the blade, etc.);
- damage or issues due to unskilled assembly or disassembly of the dismountable swords and repairs performed inadequately or spare parts installed improperly; as well as modifications not recommended, prohibited, or approved in writing by Malleus Martialis (e.g. sharpening, disassembly of hot-peened swords, etc.);
Warranty Claim and Shipping
3.1. To report an issue with the product that falls under the scope of warranty and has been purchased directly from Malleus Martialis, customers must provide:
- date and number of the invoice for the product (the document may also be attached);
- product name (or detailed specifications if the product is custom or customized;
- description of the issue;
- description of the circumstances during which the issue occurred;
- detailed pictures and/or videos presenting the issue;
- to our email address at: help@malleusmartialis.com or via our form available at the following link: » CUSTOMER SUPPORT
The Seller will assess the reported defects and non-conformities brought to their attention by the Consumer through the Seller’s customer support service as follows:
3.2. Should the concern be remediable through the Seller’s remote assistance, including the possibility of direct video communication with our technicians if deemed necessary, and upon the Consumer’s satisfaction with the resolution, the support ticket will be closed, marking the issue as resolved. Should the matter relate to a Product(s) acquired through our official partners, initial reporting to the said partner is requisite for case initiation.
3.3. In instances where resolution is unattainable via the Seller’s remote assistance, the documentation provided by the Consumer will undergo evaluation to ascertain the Product’s non-conformity. Subsequently, the Seller will determine whether the Product(s) may be returned. Notably, authorization for product return does not indicate acknowledgment of defects or non-conformities, which will be ascertained upon receipt of the products by the Seller.
3.5. When deemed necessary, in order to properly evaluate the compliance of the product, the Consumer is required to send the product to Malleus Martialis Firenze at their own expense unless otherwise agreed upon. (see point 4 and our Returns and Refunds Policy)
3.8. For Direct Consumers in the United States (anyone who purchased from the Online Store or our Customer service directly): In case of loosened parts or hilt breakages only, we will connect you with our authorized repair center, in order to properly evaluate the defective product and fix it if compliant. The Consumer will be required to send the product to the repair center at their own expense. (see point 4.)
Further Provisions
4.1. In the case of multiple products reported for warranty evaluation, each product is examined individually, and will receive a separate response;
4.2. Every part of the product reported for warranty evaluation (including the scabbard) must be shipped, otherwise, the warranty provisions may not apply;
4.3. For issues covered by the warranty provisions presented in 1.1., we refund the Consumer for the shipment of the product for warranty evaluation. The refund will be issued after the Consumer provides a receipt for the shipping cost.
4.4. Depending on where you live, different shipping conditions are required:
- If you live in the EU, your parcel can be shipped from any location.
- If you live outside the EU, your parcel has to be shipped from the same country and the same city it was first shipped to due to the procedures imposed by the Customs Office.
4.5. If the Consumer receives a replaced part under the warranty, they have 14 days from the date of the delivery to examine the quality of the replaced part. If during the 14 days, the part suffers from any damage due to a supposed manufacturing defect, the Consumer may seek evaluation under the Warranty Provisions listed in 4.
4.6. The Seller has the right to distribute third-parties products via the Online Store, for which they accept no liability, with no exclusions and/or exceptions, by giving the name of the relative Product manufacturer.
Proof of Purchase
5.1 Should the Consumer require an additional copy of the document for billing or warranty purposes, they may request one via order@malleusmartialis.com.
Order Cancellation
6.1. The warranty covers the Consumer’s right to cancel an order for any reason within 30 calendar days of product delivery. See the Returns and Refunds Policy for the full conditions, exceptions and process.
Legal Provisions
7.1. For any damage caused by the defectiveness of the Products, the provisions referred to in European Directive 85/374/EEC and Italian Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 (Consumer Code) shall apply.
To access our policies and specifications, please review and download the complete set of warranty provisions and terms and conditions.
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